The calendar is here

Sorry that I haven’t posted in a while.  I am actually on vacation right now, 27 days off from work and school and I’ve been really wanting to be present for my daughter.  It’s rare that I’m off like this and not gone 4, 5, or even 6 days in a week.  It’s been great to relax, take care of myself, and just enjoy motherhood.

I just received my IVF calendar two days ago (on Monday).  I haven’t even studied it that much.  It gives me a little bit of anxiety thinking about it and how it is fast approaching.

The IVF calendar plays out the whole scenario, everything from when to take medications to possible embryo transfer days.  I am both nervous and excited.  Currently, I am taking birth control, vitamin D weekly still, and now I have added baby aspirin.  They let me know to call and make appointments but we still have not signed any consents.  When I called to make the appointment, they said we needed to sign consent forms.  So now we need to get in there sometime right before vacation (we are leaving on Saturday for a week on a beach!) or after to get all of this organized and signed.

As our previous round, the calendar says injections should be between 7-9pm.  Last time, I consistently did them around 11pm-midnight because of my work schedule (I work 3p-midnight).  Luckily, I am working super part time this time and I am thinking I should just do injections while at work during the proper time frame (wondering if even a few hours could have affected our results last time….we didn’t retrieve many eggs, only 3, and of those 3 only 2 fertilized….the doctors did approve our time frame last time).  I hate giving myself injections but I am sure I can find a lovely nurse co-worker who may be able to help me out.

Anyway, thanks for reading and following along.




Mama D

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