Cigna is a pain in my a**

So even though we should have 100% coverage, Cigna makes it very difficult to get anything accomplished.  Luckily, the IVF clinic really works hard to make everything go as smoothly as possible for their patients.  They said the nurse and MA spent a lot of time on the phone dealing with Cigna and it was not pleasant.  We said we totally understand because we are still fighting our $1800 medical bill from 18 months ago.  We have 100% coverage, so I am not paying it.  Cigna agrees we shouldn’t pay it but they are also not paying it and the hospital wants their money.  I feel like Cigna and the hospital need to work it out, we have spent 2-3 hours on the phone every month for the past 18 months and nothing has been resolved.  I am glad we have 100% coverage, but it doesn’t mean anything if Cigna doesn’t pay the bills and we get thrown into collections for their incompetence.  Ok enough of that….sorry for the rant…..

Starting yesterday, I have received several emails from Cigna indicating that there was a problem with our medication orders.  They needed prior authorizations, approvals, etc. etc.  Last time we went through this process we had a different insurance, meds were ordered and we picked them up at the local pharmacy (easy!!).  Now meds are going to be delivered this week while we are on vacation, but my neighbor is going to pick them up and refrigerate medications if needed.  Next Friday, we will be bringing our meds and calendar to an educational session.  We didn’t have to do one for this IVF, but we decided we wanted a quick refresher just in case we have to mix certain medications.  We also have a different protocol and different medications this time. I want to make sure we understand what we are doing. IVF is so much to go through, you really don’t want it to be unsuccessful because of our error, misunderstanding of medications, or procedures etc.

I have also decided since I am working super part-time, and since I work during evening injection time, I will give myself injections while at work or ask a co-worker.  It is going to suck but hopefully I’ll only have to do it a handful of times.  If worse comes to worse, I can always have the hubby drive to my job and give me a drive by injection(s) in the car.

We also signed our lives away today and put our names on the 20 page consent document.  Honestly, I didn’t read it this time and just signed away.  But basically, you have to decide what to do with embryos if one of us were to pass away (options:  donate to science, discard, freeze indefinitely at a different facility, etc.).  Babies born to IVF have slight increase risk of birth defects and then there is also the risk to yourself.  Do these meds put me at higher risk for cancer? etc. etc.  I don’t remember all of the details.  Either way we are going through this and understand the risks.

I also scheduled my follow-up appointment (after IVF….hopefully it is a good happy pregnant appointment) and all of our ultrasounds today.  So while on medications, they monitor my ovary response through ultrasounds and blood draws and will tell me to possibly increase meds/let me know when they think ovaries will be ready for egg retrieval.

My ultrasounds/blood draws are scheduled on:  8/4,  8/11, and 8/13. Just blood draws are scheduled on 8/7 & 8/9 and  my follow-up appointment is 9/12.  All of my appointments are around 7am which will work out great, before Jeff goes to work so he can stay home with Gabby.  I really try not to bring her into the clinic because I want the clinic to be a safe place for those struggling with infertility.  So far we have only brought her in once.

Below is a more readable calendar for our followers.  As you can see, medications with question marks mean we don’t know for sure if I’ll be taking those meds on those days.  It depends on what my blood work/ultrasounds tell the doctor.  They literally adjust medications based off of levels and ultrasounds on an every other day basis.

My work schedule is pretty set/I usually get what I request….so I am thinking I will be doing injections at work…. July 29th, August 6th/7th, and August 12th.










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